Monday, April 26, 2010

Kings Canyon

Following the grey nomads in their large vans, we journeyed onto Kings Canyon. This gorge is amazing. We did the rim walk which involved a very steep ascent but magnificent views of the canyon and a swim in the ‘ Garden of Eden’. The place was absolutely amazing but I don’t know how they wore stilettos up here when filming Priscilla!
The night was spent in the campground in ‘Kings Canyon Resort’. We had a few beers, escaped the terrible ‘entertainment’ by the racist and old nomads ‘outback roadies’ and had some beers amongst the workers in the resort – all young, mostly foreign and drunk. We then retreated back to the tent only to find ourselves not alone but accompanied by two dingoes staking out the campground. The dingoes travelled stealthily through the campground checking out what food was lying around and then disappeared off into the distance. However, at about 2am they returned – in a bigger pack and began to howl and bark around the campground – not the best sounds to wake up to in the middle of the night especially when the howls are right next to your tent! This area is quite well known for the dingoes coming close to humans due to people leaving food out for an easy feed for them.

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